Pact has a range of options for people who not only need support in their lives, but also accommodation.
Our supported accommodation services are for people who can benefit from staff support in a home with other flatmates or in their own flat. We have a variety of homes (everything from one-bedroom flats to family-style homes) with staffing to suit people’s needs (eg daytime staffing, overnight staffing).
We support clients with daily living skills, setting and reaching goals and being as independent as possible – whether that’s learning new skills in the home or working toward living more independently.
We also have child and youth services, including targeted support provided through contracts with Oranga Tamariki in Invercargill, Greymouth and Nelson. In Dunedin we have a service for women with mental health issues, which also has an outreach component so when women move into the community, they continue having the support they need, with a continuum of care with staff they already know.
We also contract to the Department of Corrections for three Dunedin homes, where we help people reintegrate back into the community and into a routine after being in prison or in forensic hospital services. See Mental health and reintegration.
People with mental health issues and/or disability who live independently in the community sometimes need time out. Planned and crisis respite care is provided in a home-like settings, providing a safe place to de-stress. Where there is a crisis situation, respite can be provided at short notice. We also provide respite for people who are eligible for carer support.
We support people recovering from mental illness who find it hard to secure independent accommodation in the community. Options include shared flatting and individual units, where people pay an affordable rent. Pact holds the tenancy and sublets to clients. Unlike our supported accommodation service, there are no staff on site, but clients may receive Pact community support.
“I feel like I have grown as a person, and I feel better equipped to move back into the community independently. The staff are kind and caring and always around to listen to me. I feel like it has been a really important ingredient in my recovery.”
— Pact Otago supported accommodation client

It can be complex to explain how referrals are made to Pact so please get in touch if you want to find out how to access our services. We’ll bend over backwards to help you. Even if you are not eligible for government-funded Pact support, we have other options, including paying for Pact services privately (see individually funded services).